School of Power and Energy
The epidemic has no lovers and emotions, overcoming difficulties together and seeing the truth - The School of Power and Energy donated protective masks to universities in Russia and Ukraine

At present, the global COVID-19 epidemic is complex and changeable, and the situation is still grim. While doing well in various epidemic prevention work, the School of Power and Energy is always concerned about three overseas cooperative universities, including Kazan National Technical University in Russia, Samara Aerospace University, and Kharkiv Aerospace University in Ukraine, which have close cooperation with us. We understand that the local area is in urgent need of epidemic prevention materials due to the continuous development of the epidemic. In late March, the college made every effort to purchase and raise protective materials. After fully understanding the relevant international epidemic prevention material mailing policies, it donated 3000 masks to the Kazan National Technical University in Russia and the Samara National Research University, respectively, and 2000 masks to the Kharkiv University in Ukraine.

Recently, the masks sent in batches have all arrived one after another. After receiving the mask, Samara University of Aeronautics and Astronautics sent a thank-you letter to the college, expressing that adversity shows the truth. In the critical period of global epidemic prevention and control, this remote assistance is like sending charcoal in the snow, making people feel even more warm.


After receiving the masks, the principals and vice presidents of Kharkov University of Aeronautics and Astronautics of Ukraine took photos of themselves and sent a thank-you letter, expressing heartfelt thanks to the Institute for timely delivery of epidemic prevention items, and hoping that the cooperation between the two universities will be more extensive and in-depth in the future.

In recent years, the college has attached great importance to international exchange and cooperation, actively connecting with renowned universities in aviation and aerospace in Russia and Ukraine, such as Qatar Airlines, Samara, and Kharkiv, to carry out practical and efficient all-round cooperation. The college has established a Russia Ukraine Exchange Center and signed multiple cooperation agreements to vigorously promote comprehensive cooperation between the two sides in international summer camps, undergraduate studies abroad, joint international conferences, and the establishment of joint laboratories. In early 2020, the college led the approval of a 38 million yuan international cooperation key project for talent cultivation in Russia by the National Scholarship Council. In the future, the college will continue to uphold the concept of building a community with a shared future for mankind, strengthen international exchanges, achieve win-win cooperation, strive to improve the level of international education, truly achieve the transformation from an industry oriented college to an international oriented college, and make new and greater contributions to building the school into a world-class university.

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Northwestern Polytechnical University

School of Power and Energy
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