School of Power and Energy
Aerospace Propulsion
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 Guest Professor 
Wang Zhiwu

Wang Zhiwu


Work Address: School of Power and Energy

Northwestern PolytechnicalUniversity,Xi’an,710072, P. R.China

Facsimile: (+86)-29-88431103


Present Position: Professor, Ph.D.


1998-2002 Northwestern PolytechnicalUniversity, B.E.

Major:Power Engineering of Aircraft

2002-2005 Northwestern PolytechnicalUniversity,M.E.

Major: Propulsion Theory and Engineering of Aeronautics and Astronautics

2004-2007 Northwestern PolytechnicalUniversity,Ph.D.

Major: Propulsion Theory and Engineering of Aeronautics and Astronautics


Chinese: Mother tongue

English: Good speaking, understanding, reading and writing


Combustion and flow, Detonation and Pulse Detonation Engine


2007-2009 Post-Doctoral Fellow, Fluid Mechanics,Northwestern PolytechnicalUniversity

2009-2010 Lecturer,School of Power and Energy, Northwestern PolytechnicalUniversity

2010-present Associate Professor,School of Power and Energy,

Northwestern PolytechnicalUniversity


Undergraduate: Second-class Scholarshipfor Academic Excellence, Northwestern Polytechnical University, 2000

First-class Scholarshipfor Academic Excellence, Northwestern Polytechnical University, 2001

ExcellentThesis Award, Northwestern PolytechnicalUniversity,2002

Runner-up in table tennis game,Northwestern PolytechnicalUniversity,2002

Postgraduate: First-class Scholarshipfor Academic Excellence, Northwestern Polytechnical University, 2003

Second-class Practice Award,Northwestern Polytechnical University, 2003

Championship in table tennis game,School of Power and Energy,

Northwestern PolytechnicalUniversity,2003

First-class Scholarship for Academic Excellence, Northwestern Polytechnical University, 2004

First-class Scholarshipfor Academic Excellence, Northwestern Polytechnical University, 2005

First-class Scholarshipfor Academic Excellence, Northwestern Polytechnical University, 2006

Teacher: Teaching member of National Excellent Course of China: “Aeroengine Combustion”, 2008

ColumnScholar of “Sciencepaper Online” of Ministry of Education of China, 2010

Aoxiang Star of Northwestern Polytechnical University, 2013

Northwestern PolytechnicalUniversityAward for excellent teaching, 2013


1. Postdoctoral Science Foundation of China, 2008

  1. Science and Technology Innovation Foundation of Northwestern Polytechnical University, 2009

  2. Natural Science Foundation of Shanxi Province of China, 2010

  3. Doctoral Fund of Ministry of Education of China, 2012

  4. Northwestern Polytechnical University Foundation for Fundamental Research,2013

  5. National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2013

  6. Natural Science Foundation of Shanxi Province of China, 2014



Energy Conversion and Management

Proc. IMechE Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science

Proc. IMechE Part G: J. Aerospace Engineering

International Journal of Turbo & Jet-Engines

Mathematical Problems in Engineering

Journal of Aeronautics & Aerospace Engineering

Journal of Propulsion Technology (in Chinese)


Engineering ThermophysicsConference of China


  1. Wang Zhiwu, Chen Xinggu,et al.:Experimental investigation on the operating characteristics in amulti-tube two-phase valveless air-breathing pulse detonation engine.Applied Thermal Engineering,73(2014): 21-29. (in press)

  2. Wang Zhiwu, Chen Xinggu,et al.: Semi-free-jet simulated experimental investigation on a valvelesspulse detonation engine. Applied Thermal Engineering, 62 (2014):407-414.

  3. Wang Zhiwu, Zhang Kun,et al.:Numericalsimulation of themixing andflowcharacteristics inlobedmixers. Thermal Science, 2014.

  4. PengChangxin, FanWei, ZhengLongxi,Wang Zhiwu,Yuan Cheng:Experimentalinvestigation onvalvelessair-breathingdual-tubepulsedetonationengines.Applied Thermal Engineering,51(1-2):1116-1123, 2013.

5. Wang Zhiwu, Chen Xinggu, Zheng Longxi et al.:Experimental Research on Induction Systems of an Air-breathing Valveless Pulse Detonation Engine.International Journal of Turbo & JetEngines, 29(2):123-129, 2012.

6. Wang Zhiwu, Yan Chuanjun, Zheng Longxi, Fan Wei:Experimental Study of Ignition and Detonation Initiation in Two-Phase Valveless Pulse Detonation Engines.Combustion Science and Technology, 181(10):1310-1325, 2009.

7. Wang Zhiwu, Yan Chuanjun,et al.:Experimentalstudy ofatomizationeffects ontwo-phasepulsedetonationengines.Proc. IMechE, Part G: J. Aerospace Engineering, 223(G6):721-728, 2009.

8. Wang Zhiwu, Chen Xinggu,et al.: Numericalinvestigationof thetransversejeteffect ondetonationinitiationcharacteristics. Journal of Propulsion Technology,34(3):422-427,2013. (inChinese)

9. Chen Xinggu,Wang Zhiwu,et al.: Numericalresearch of the effect of the Pre-detonator installmentmode ondetonationinitiationcharacteristics. Journal ofNorthwestern Polytechnical University,31(5):737-741,2013. (inChinese)

  1. Peng Changxin,Wang Zhiwu,et al.:Investigation on propagation of back-pressure in air-breathing pulse detonation engine.Journal of Propulsion Technology,34(3):428-432,2013. (inChinese)

  2. Peng Changxin,Wang Zhiwu,et al.:Numerical investigation of backpropagation of air-breathing pulse detonation engine.Journal of NorthwesternPolytechnical University, 31(2),283-288,2013. (inChinese)

  3. Peng Changxin,Wang Zhiwu, Zheng Longxi:Numerical investigation of effect of detonationchamber length on back-propagation. Acta Aeronautica et Astronautica Sinica,34(5):1001-1008, 2013. (inChinese)

  4. Wang Zhiwu, Chen xinggu, Zheng Longxi:Experimental Investigation on the Performance of a Direct-Connected Pulse Detonation Engine.Adances in Aeronautical Science and Engineering, 3(4):492-496, 2012. (inChinese)

  5. Wang Zhiwu, Yan Chuanjun, Zheng Longxi, Fan Wei:Experimental study for the effect of induction systemson valveless pulse detonation engine.Journal of Experiments in Fluid Mechanics,25(2): 17-27, 2011.(inChinese)

  6. Wang Zhiwu, Yan Chuanjun, Zheng Longxi:Experimental study of mixing chamber effect on average thrust of a pulsedetonation engine.Journal of Engineering Thermophysics,31(9): 1611-1614, 2010. (inChinese)

  7. Wang Zhiwu,Yan Chuanjun,Fan Wei,et al.:Ignition-detonation performance of pulse detonation engines. Journal of Combustion Science and Technology,15(5): 412-416, 2009. (inChinese)

  8. Wang Zhiwu,Yan Chuanjun,Fan Wei,et al.:Experiment on the effect of ignition energy in pulse detonation engine. Journal of Propulsion Technology, 30(2): 224-228, 2009. (inChinese)

  9. Wang Zhiwu,Zheng Longxi,et al.:Experimental investigation on the mixing chamber in pulse detonation chamber. Journal of Experiments in Fluid Mechanics,22(4): 48-52, 2008. (inChinese)

  10. Wang Zhiwu,Yan Chuanjun,Li Mu,Huang Xiqiao:Experimental investigation on detonation velocity in pulse detonation engineswith different inner diameters.Journal of NorthwesternPolytechnical University, 25(1): 1-5, 2007. (inChinese)

  11. Wang Zhiwu,Yan Chuanjun, et al.:Droplet size effect on detonation velocity of two-phase pulse detonation engine.Journal of Engineering Thermophysics,27(6): 1057-1059, 2006. (inChinese)

  12. Wang Zhiwu, Lu Jie,et al.:Experimentalinvestigation on theoperating andflowcharacteristics in amulti-tubetwo-phasevalvelessair-breathingpulsedetonationengine. Fuel, 2013(submitted)

  13. Wang Zhiwu,Peng Changxin,et al.:Experimental study of pressure back-propagation in a valveless air-breathing pulse detonation engine. Aerospace Science and Technology, 2013(submitted)

23. Lu Jie, Zheng Longxi,Wang Zhiwu,et al.: Experimental investigation on propagation of back-pressure waves in a liquid-fueled multi-tube air-breathing pulse detonation engine.Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 2013. (submitted)


  1. Wang Zhiwu: Investigation on the Jet Initiation of Detonation.2012 International Workshop on Detonation for Propulsion, Tsukuba, Japan, 2012.

  2. PengChangxin,WangZhiwu, ZhengLongxi, et al.:Experimental andnumerical onbackpressure invalvelessair-breathingpulsedetonationengine.Proceedings of 4th International Symposium on Jet Propulsion and Power Engineering,Xi’an, China, 2012.

  3. Wang Zhiwu, Yan Chuanjun, Fan Wei, et al.: Experimentalinvestigation onkerosene/airvalvelessair-breathingpulsedetonationengines.47th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Orlando, Florida, America,2009.

  4. Wang Zhiwu, Zheng Longxi, Yan Chuanjun: Experimental Investigation of Ignition-Detonation Time in Two-Phase Valveless Pulse Detonation Engines.44nd AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference & Exhibit, Hartford, Connecticut, America,2008.

  5. Wang Zhiwu, Yan Chuanjun, Fan Wei, et al.: Experimental Investigation of Nozzle Effects on a Two-phase valveless Air-breathing Pulse Detonation Engine.46th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Reno, Nevada, America,2008.

  6. Wang Zhiwu, Yan Chuanjun, Li Mu, Fan Wei: Experimental Investigation on a Two-phase Valveless Air-breathing Pulse Detonation Engine.42nd AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference & Exhibit,Sacramento, California, America,2006.

  7. Wang Zhiwu, Xiong Cha, Yan Chuanjun, Fan Wei:Experimental Investigation on Atomization and Mixing in Pulse Detonation Engines.5th International Symposium on Multiphase Flow, Heat Mass Transfer and Energy Conversion, Xi’an, China,2005.


  1. Wang Zhiwu, Yan Chuanjun, Zheng Longxi, et al.:An air-breathing pulse detonation engine and the detonation initiation method,China Patent,2010.

  2. Wang Zhiwu, Yan Chuanjun, Fan Wei, Zheng Longxi:An inlet of an air-breathing pulse detonation engine,China Patent,2010.

  3. Wang Zhiwu, et al.: A jet igniter device of a pulse detonation engine,China Patent,2012.

  4. Wang Zhiwu, et al.: A detonation chamber of a pulse detonation engine, China Patent,2012.

  5. Wang Zhiwu, et al.: A configuration used to decrease the inlet backpropagation of a pulse detonation engine, China Patent,2012.

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Northwestern Polytechnical University

School of Power and Energy
ADD: 1 Dongxiang Road, Chang'an District, Xi'an Shaanxi,710129, P.R.China